Most Popular Gerard Campisi Cheryl Viano
Best Personality Gerard Campisi Cheryl Viano
Friendliest Gerard Campisi Cheryl Viano
Best Dressed Tom Soderstrom Leslie Tarbox
Best Looking Carter Lyman Cheryl Viano
Best Singer Peter Hyatt Luellen Lannom
Best Dancer Gerard Campisi Linda Coyne
Best Actor and Actress Alan Culler Roberta Kelley
Most Artistic Doug Hopkins Joan Corkum
Most Musical Gerard Campisi Linda Clark
Best Athlete Tom Soderstrom Florence Sawyer
Most Likely to Succeed Tom Kennedy Cheryl Viano
Most Ambitious Tom Kennedy Cheryl Viano
Most Intellectual Nick Humez Jennifer Cassettari
Best Citizen Rusty Briggs Cheryl Viano
Most Individualistic Nick Humez Carolyn Levi
Best Sport Steve McElman Linda Dodd
Most Sincere Paul Fontas Kathleen Maguire
Most Carefree John Balazy Linda Coyne
Most Argumentative Bob Covey Yvonne Westerlund
Most Gullible Dave Aronson Claire McCormack
Most Versatile Dick Jenson Cheryl Viano
Most Collegiate Bob Anthony Ellin Sullivan
Shyest Steve McGrath Anne Harrington
Class Clown Carter Lyman Dara Young
Wittiest Steve Napoli Linda Coyne
Prettiest Eyes Carter Lyman Louise Thompson
Nicest Smile Ben Freitas Cheryl Viano
Most Freckles John Biggs Yvonne Westerlund
Class Snoozer John Balazy Cheryl Snow
Chatterbox Doug Hopkins Yvonne Westerlund
Class Flirt Larry Rutter Cheryl Talmage
Class Sweethearts Paul Fontas and Sue Meadows
Best Combination of
Brains and Good Looks Dick Jenson Cheryl Viano
Senior Superlatives